Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Here we go pink diary. I know no one will read you. I'll call you: Bunny

Hey Bunny:

Well I started you for one reason: someone asked me to. So here I am. So I'll tell you my story and secrets, and just everything I can think of, but don't expect me to fill you with the stupid stuff a plain stupid girl might typically do.

I know the name I gave you it's not the leetest one a girl ever thought of, but fear not, it's part of the plan and simple style of... Uhm... Me!

Alright so, you are some kind of diary aren't you? I gotta admit I do have a real one: old-school blank book shapped diary and it can hold a padlock, so no one but me can read what is written inside, since the key to open is hidden in the secret place behind that big mirror in my bedroom... Oops! did I say that?. Don't be Jealous.

You can be a different kind of diary where I can say what I think 'bout the world - nothing.

If you're now feeling dissapointed, I'm sorry. I promised you I wouldn't fill you with stupid stuff but... Hey Bunny I just thought of a nice idea!

But first I'd like to apologize to you, I'm just a little girl that still think of the world as an everything, because I can't get out of it and what I think is inside is perceived by me as and everything, right? So how much is worth what's out there, if my pink idea of 'everything' is this short?

Today, thinkin' of it, I took that old & dusty telescope my father gave me ten years ago for x-mas. I gotta tell you dear Bunny, it still works! but I wish I knew how it worked before It fell, two months ago... But hey! I can still look through it! that's enough, don't you think?. I cleaned up every dust particle I could find wearing my grandpa's glasses and a piece of fabric that used to be one of my favorite t-shirt's sleeve when I was seven years old. After a wonderful work cleaning it, and gettin some kaleidoscopic-kind ding ding noises I made one wonderful, no...  An awful discovery! - Mars, the Moon, even the space ships & Jupiter, the stars, black holes, and everything! is fake...

Yes dear Bunny, believe it or not. Lookin' at the stars with my telescope, I saw a hole made in the sky, the same way a ball boys plays baseball with, would damage through a window. And I was really surprised of seeing this awful discovery, that I almost fell as I was barefeet steeping on small glass pieces all spreaded out in my bedroom floor!
They just came out of no where! and they hurt me on one foot bad and made me bleed a bit, but I'm OK. Yes, I was so scared of seeing that big hole in the sky, that I, before telling all my brothers, sisters, mom and daddy, turned on the T.V. to watch the news. I wanted to know
what was going on, and if someone ever really tried to go across that big dome made of glass (that we call 'sky') where all the planets, stars, and everything are painted on! and whose pieces I steeped on earlier. I was really worried about it, that i couldn't wait for the news man to say somethin'... He was talkin' crap about a war, about Pope, the global warming, some hurricanes
and some dead people due an airplane crash accident in god knows where- nothing I was worried about. It was too late to go buy a newspaper, the one daddy reads
is forbidden when he's readding it, and it is so old anyway, he keeps it right outside the bathroom several years ago
so the news in it are 'olds'. This last thing gave me a wonderful idea. I changed the channel!

As I made a big discovery, I tunned in discovery channel.
Finally what I needed to know of was showing there on TV! They said not long ago some people tried to go through, and, as they failed, their spaceship exploded in the air and died... Thats what I wanted to know Bunny! thats why there is a big hole in the sky. I suppose it was their very first spaceship, and wanted to try it out somehow and sadly failed at their very first try!...

No one else could see that hole, because not so many people get's telescopes from their daddies for x-mas, right? And if some one did, they didn't aim the sky from my window! since the hole it's right above it - that's why no one else complained of pieces of glass spreaded on their bedroom's floor - and they took so long to fall down to my feet, 'cause the sky is too far away from earth, about two hundred...! No, two thousand miles up there!

I'm tellin all my teachers what I've found out about tomorrow, I'll surely have an A this time!

Loves you:


(Diary of an innocent schozophrenic girl)